Bear Core Adventure Loop - Paws for Action: Duty to Country
For Tiger, Wolf, and Bear ranks Cub Scouts complete several Adventures as described in their handbooks. Cub Scout Adventures are collections of themed, multidisciplinary activities of engaging content. Required and elective Adventures may be undertaken at the same time. As youth finish an Adventure, they are awarded a belt loop that is worn on the official Cub Scout belt. Belt loops should be presented as soon as possible. When the requirements for each rank are fulfilled, the rank badge is presented at the next pack meeting.
Bear Required Adventure - Paws for Action: Duty to Country
Complete requirement 1 plus two others from requirements 2–4.
- Learn about our nation’s "ag. Display it at home for one month. Say the Pledge of Allegiance, and
learn its meaning. - Do at least one of the following.
(a) Find out about two famous Americans. Share what you learned.
(b) Find out where places of historical interest are located in or near your community, town, or city. Go
and visit one of them with your family or den. - Do at least two of the following:
(a) With your school or den, visit a local sheriff’s of!ce, police station, or !re department OR talk with
a !re safety of!cer or law enforcement of!cer visiting your school or den. Find out what skills the
of!cers use to do their jobs. Ask questions that will help you learn how to stay safe.
(b) Make a list of emergency numbers and discuss with your family where the list should be kept.
Show your family that you know how to call for help in an emergency. Talk with your family about
people who could help you if a parent is not available.
(c) With your family, develop a plan to follow in case of an emergency, and practice the plan at least
three times. Your family can determine the emergency, or you can develop several plans. - Do at least one of the following:
(a) Do a cleanup project that bene!ts your community.
(b) Participate in a patriotic community parade or other civic event that honors our country.