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The Missionary's Little Quote Book

Elders and sisters, never be at a loss for words!

If there is one thing a missionary can never get enough of (besides dinner invitations), it's good materiel for talks, lessons, spur-of-the-moment inspirational thoughts, and other presentations. In this convenient volume, missionaries will find more than enough enthusiasm, encouragement, and motivation to go around. It's neatly arranged by subject and contains hundreds of uplifting, thought provoking, and inspiring quotations from many different sources.

No missionary should be without this exceptional little collection. In fact, it's so useful and comprehensive that missionaries will keep it in their personal libraries long after they've turned in their name badges and returned to "civilian" life. Memories of the mission experience will last forever. . . and so will the messages of faith and devotion found within the pages of The Missionary's Little Quote Book.

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