Carpenter's Hymn (Music CD)
Paul "Cactus Jack" La Marr
Hymns experience from Paul Cactus Jack La MARR. With his choir and orchestra, his piano, his guitar, his violin and even just his voice, this carpenter from Australia has taken the US gospel music world and "cactusfied" it. With his moving guitar simplicity of "Lord I Would Follow Thee"; the hauntingly beautiful grandeur of his rewritten melody in his solo and then building power of his choir and orchestra to angelic heights of "O My Father"; his Southern Gospel arrangement of the Quaker's "How Can I Keep From Singing" and the reverent and moving rendition of "Be Still My Soul", A Carpenter's Hymns is not a compilation religious music, every song is an experience.
Nearer My God To Thee (Vocal, Piano, Cello)
Be Still My Soul (Vocal, Backing Vocals, Oboe, Orchestra)
O My Father (Vocal, Choir, Orchestra)
The Farm (Piano, Cello, Orchestra)
Lord, I Would Follow Thee (Vocal, Backing Vocals, Guitar)
Love At Home (A Cappella Quartet)
We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet (Vocal, Orchestra)
All We Who Dwell (A Capela Choir)
How Can I Keep From Singing (Vocal, A Cappella Gospel Choir)
A Carpenter's Hymn (Piano, Viola Solo, Orchestra)
Do What Is Right (Vocal, Irish Fiddle, Penny Whistle, Orchestra)
You Go On A Head - Mum's Hymn (Piano)
Nearer My God To Thee - Instrumental
Be Still My Soul - Instrumental