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Tragedy & Truth: What Happen at Hawn's Mill

On the afternoon of October 30, 1838, a vigilante force of more than two hundred armed men attacked and raided the small settlement known as Hawn's Mill in eastern Caldwell County, Missouri. The premeditated assault left seventeen Mormon men and boys dead and more than a dozen other wounded. But those who remained had little time to mourn their loss. Afraid of another attack, short of help, and facing unseasonably cold temperatures, the shocked survivors quickly buried fourteen of their dead in an unfinished dry well.

During the weeks and months that followed, life at Hawn's Mill was bleak, especially for the women and children whose husbands and fathers had been killed or wounded and who struggled to provide for their families. Yet the experiences of the Latter-day Saints at Hawn's Mill exemplify incredible faith, courage, and commitment in the midst of terrible tragedy. Their stories touch the deepest of sympathies, inspire faith, strengthen testimony, and should never be forgotten.

But why did the attack occur? Who was involved? And did the Saints at Hawn's Mill disobey Joseph Smith's counsel? These and other telling questions are explained and clarified by four top LDS Church history scholars in this fascinating book devoted exclusively to helping readers understand why and how the massacre at Hawn's Mill happened.




History of the Saints

History of the Saints is a private non-profit entity dedicated to the research and teaching of Latter-day Saint history. Dennis Lyman, Bryant Bush, and Glenn Rawson originally began working together as part of the Joseph Smith Papers and have continued their efforts to make early Church history as accurate, understandable and accessible to a general audience as possible.

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