The Proclamation on the Family Made Easier
Unlock the mysteries of one of the most priceless revelations from the Lord! This invaluable study guide, written by David J. Ridges, addresses the surprising number of issues covered in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” With an intentionally simple format, this book includes a copy of the Proclamation in each chapter and bold-faced subject matter for the reader to see “at-a-glance.”
Discover what the Lord has said on topics such as:
- premortal existence
- gender as a part of our eternal identity
- the importance of marriage and having children
- attributes of a righteous home
- the equality of fathers and mothers
- the causes of calamities in the last days
Members of the Lord’s Church sometimes wish they had lived in the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith when the Lord blessed his people with so many revelations, but we, too, live in a time when the windows of heaven are open. The Proclamation on the Family Made Easier is the perfect tool to enlighten our understanding of one of the most precious documents ever!
David J. Ridges
David J. Ridges taught for the Church Educational System for thirty-five years. He taught adult religion and Know Your Religion classes for BYU Continuing Education and spoke at BYU Campus Education Week for many years. He has served as a curriculum writer for Sunday School, seminary, and institute of religion manuals. His callings in the Church include Gospel Doctrine teacher, bishop, stake president, and patriarch. He and his wife, Janette, have served two full-time Church Educational System missions. They are the parents of six children and are enjoying a growing number of grandchildren. They reside in Springville, Utah.