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And They Were Not Ashamed

The ultimate how-to handbook, written especially for women, is power-packed with hope and help for creating a mutually fulfilling sexual relationship in marriage. As three books in one, this marriage book, sex book, and parenting book uses a fresh and frank approach and shines light and truth on the sanctity of the marital sexual relationship. It provides comprehensive solutions for creating complete ONEness by improving emotional, spiritual and physical intimacy in marriage.

Book Review from "Healthy, Wealthy, Wow" Women's LifeStyle Magazine, April 2005, Caralee Frederic, LCSW.

Laura's book is vitally necessary at this time in our nation, indeed in the world, where sexuality is so distorted and where the forces against marriage and families grow ever stronger.

It is indeed a rare phenomenon when an author can pinpoint a universal, cultural phenomenon, precisely define its existence and origins, and provide a comprehensive solution to address it. Laura Brotherson has done just this in her book, And They Were Not Ashamed--Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment, as she identifies the sexual problems women and couples face, resulting in marriages that are weakened and often destroyed.

As a licensed clinical social worker who has worked with many couples, I can vouch for the desperate need for Laura's book. Her gentle directness in naming and addressing sexual problems counters the vast ignorance and misinformation that cause so many couples to struggle. Laura has addressed these problems in her book from every conceivable angle and offers valuable and practical solutions.

She inspires a new approach and a new attitude in effectively teaching our children and youth about sexuality while maintaining a focus on its sanctity. The last three chapters of her book help parents to prepare to teach, as well as to know what, how, and when to teach, to better prepare children for intimacy in marriage.

Laura speaks directly to issues not addressed anywhere else. Her conception of the phases of a woman's arousal, reordering them as she has, is a unique contribution to the understanding of the female sexual response, and gives legitimacy to what so many women experience, and yet are unable to put into words.

Laura's book addresses the primary issues of strengthening marriage and family in an uplifting and inspiring manner, relevant to all couples. She gives excellent and accurate information produced in the context of a deeply held faith and religious foundation.

She distills the best from similar resources, while adding her unique ability to speak as a woman of faith, to women of faith, contributing unique and valuable ideas, and giving couples hands-on homework assignments to apply, in the comfort of their own homes, thus improving their relationships immediately.

She addresses the negative cultural and media influences on sexuality, while simultaneously challenging the silence that pervades homes and churches in teaching the sanctity and godly purposes of sexuality.

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