The Fourth Thousand Years: From David to Christ
W. Cleon Skousen
There is no period when the distant roar of history can be heard on the pages of the past with greater fury than during the ten savage centuries known as The Fourth Thousand Years.
This was the age of the first world empires, the days when Assyria, Babylon, Greece and Rome each displayed their passion for power and when the first three collapsed in the heap of their own ruins and drowned in the flood of their own blood. It was and age which demanded the resounding and inspired voices of many of God's greatest spokesman. The turbulent chaos of these centuries brought forth such mighty prophets of God as Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Lehi, Nephi, Daniel, Zechariah, and many others. The lives and times of these man are in these pages.
This is the third and final volume of this series dealing with the Old Testament. The volumes which preceded it were entitled: The First 2,000 Years, which covered the period from Adam to Abraham, and The Third Thousand Years, which covered Bible history from Abraham to David. This present volume deals with the exciting scriptural epic which emerged between the time of David and the coming of Christ. For those who find the Old Testament arduous reading, these three books should prove especially inspirational and helpful.