The Peter Potential
Have you ever wondered if God has greater things in store for you? The Bible is clear that though Peter saw himself as only a fisherman, the Lord saw him as a fisher of men, a leader among men, the one in whose hands He would place the keys of His kingdom. Jesus extended invitations to help Peter grow, change, and discover the life he was meant to live. This full-color gift book is profound in its simplicity as the authors take the reader through the invitations the Lord extended to Peter. Journey with Peter and the Savior as you begin to understand the potential the Lord sees in you.
You may have taken the “ice bucket challenge”, but if you’re brave enough to discover the life you were meant to live, I invite you to accept the Peter Potential Challenge!
I suppose you could say that I’ve always believed that God was aware of me. But what I’d forgotten before reading The Peter Potential was how He truly knows everything about me. He knows what keeps me up at night. He knows what’s weighing on my heart. He knows that I want to truly do better and be better. But sometimes, or most times, I simply feel inadequate to believe what He knows about me.
If you’ve ever wondered what the Lord has in mind for you, I strongly encourage you to read this book. Simply, it’s filled with personal invitations from the Lord. These invitations were taken directly from the Bible. They are the very invitations that changed the course of Simon Peter's life.
Readers of The Peter Potential are invited to accept the same invitations that the Lord extended Peter. Seven invitations that will challenge you to act and discover the life you were meant to live.
The Peter Potential was carefully written and purposely intended to appeal to Christians of all denominations. Combining the text of five different Bible translations, The Peter Potential contains truths that we share and beliefs that are common among us.
Peter's story is our story. We each know what it is to doubt. We know how it feels to be pulled out of our comfort zone ––to leave behind nets. We know what it is to approach The Lord soaking wet and windblown. That's what makes Peter's story so easy to relate to. It reminds us that Jesus has the power to change us. To mold us. To make us something more. Just like He did with Peter. And that's the Peter Potential. It’s as eye-opening as a cold bucket of ice water over your head, but so much more lasting.
—Chris Schoebinger
Emily Belle Freeman
Emily Belle Freeman is a best-selling author and popular inspirational speaker. She has a deep love of the scriptures, which comes from a desire to find their application in everyday life. She is the author of numerous books, including Even This, The Christ-Centered Home, Celebrating a Christ-Centered Christmas, and Celebrating a Christ-Centered Easter. She is also a favorite speaker at Time Out for Women. Her greatest joy comes from spending time with her family. Read more at and follow Emily on Instagram and Facebook: @emilybellefreeman.
David Butler
David Butler is by day a religious educator sharing his fierce love for the scriptures with anyone willing to listen. By night he is a fort builder, waffle maker, sports coach, and storyteller for his six darling kids. Somewhere in between, he is a motivational speaker and writer. He loves, loves, loves good food, spontaneous adventures, Christmas morning, the first day of summer, and every other day of summer. Above all he loves people. He has chosen as his life motto, "Stuff no mattah. People mattah." He and his adorable wife Jenny, live with their family amid the snowcapped peaks of the Mountain West, but they often dream of a beach house on a sunny shore somewhere.