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The Fifth Gospel

The Fifth Gospel is a single narrative of the four gospels put in chronological order. Although not a new idea, there are some stand alone features that make it unique. First it incorporates the Joseph Smith translation. It has 955 footnoted references to assist the reader to better understand what is written; 45 easy references so that you do not have to refer to the scriptures unless you want to; 240 dictionary entries, most of which contain information not found in any one source; over 6,750 cross references to help find a verse as well as give additional meanings as used in The Fifth Gospel; and maps. But the most significant contribution is identifying our Lord's use of conundrums. A conundrum is a question or a problem having a conjectural answer. An exampe is Luke 14:38 (JST) "He who hath ears to hear, let him hear". Joseph "these things he said, signifying that which was written, verily must all be fullfilled". Or in other words scripture was about to be fulfilled. This is not a parable, metaphor, or simile associated with the generally known teaching methods that Jesus used. Outside of the JST, identifying conundrums may be the single most important discovery in the last 2000 years in helping us to better understand Jesus' teachings.

Pages - 347

By Larry Ward

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