Book of Mormon Scriptural Phrases
From the introductory "I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents," to Moroni's final parting words "And now I bid unto all, farewell," and from the ubiquitous "And it came to pass" to the soaring poetry of Nephi's "Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin," the Book of Mormon is replete with memorable phrases. In Book of Mormon Scriptural Phrases, Roger A. Dibb has compiled more than 4,200 scriptural phrases—from the mundane to the sublime—provided a brief definition of each, and indicated where else identical or similar phrases can be found in the Book of Mormon. This book is a handy and extremely useful reference work for students of the Book of Mormon, particularly those who not only treasure the truthfulness of the record but delight in the way those truths are delivered.
Pages - 489
Roger Allen Dibb
Roger A. Dibb has studied and explored the phrases of the Book of Mormon for decades. As a CPA and tax accountant for more than thirty years, he has an eye for detail. He earned degrees in finance and accounting from Brigham Young University and the University of Utah and owns an accounting firm in Utah. He and his wife, Ann Monson Dibb, are the parents of one daughter and three sons and the grandparents to more than a few wonderful grandchildren.