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Facing the Son

Eliminate the Spiritual Light-Blockers from Your Life

How can you and I improve spiritual vision so that we can grow closer to the Savior?

In the Orientation and Mobility class that Kris Belcher attended when she first went blind, she learned that she could determine what direction she was facing by using the sun. In the morning, for example, if she felt the sun on her face, she would know she was facing east.

"Spiritually," Kris writes, "we can also receive comfort and direction from the Son. If we can feel the warmth of the Son - the Spirit - then we know we are facing the right direction."

Identifying several common "light-blockers" that can impair our spiritual eyesight, Kris offers practical remedies, suggesting ways in which we can choose to face the Son and feel His Spirit in our lives. Her down-to-earth stories, keen insights, often-humorous perspective, and unswerving faith will fill your heart with light.


    • Chapter 1
      Face the Son by Remembering Your Importance
    • Chapter 2
      Face the Son by Following Promptings
    • Chapter 3
      Face the Son by Trusting in God's Promises
    • Chapter 4
      Face the Son by Seeking Truth from the Source
    • Chapter 5
      Face the Son by Seeking Joy through Gratitude
    • Chapter 6
      Face the Son by Hoping Good Things to Come
    • Chapter 7
      Face the Son by Turning Complaints into Prayers
    • Chapter 8
      Face the Son by Listening to the Words of Living Prophets
    • Chapter 9
      Face the Son by Living Vertically
    • Chapter 10
      Face the Son by Looking on the Heart
    • Chapter 11
      Face the Son by Seeking the Spiritual Gift of Discernment
    • Chapter 12
      Face the Son by Choosing Not to Be Offended
    • Chapter 13
      Face the Son by Receiving Help
    • Chapter 14
      Face the Son by Using Wisdom
    • Chapter 15
      Face the Son by Not Giving Up God
    • Chapter 16
      Face the Son by Jumping In
    • Chapter 17
      Face the Son by Relying on Christ's Atonement

Pages - 120
5.5 x 8

Kris Belcher
Courage, perseverance, faith, and humor are the themes of Kris Belcher’s life. Left completely blind and emotionally shattered in 2003 from her second battle with cancer, Kris was unsure how to go on. She has since grown accustomed to life in the dark, but could do without the bumps and bruises that accompany blindness. Kris is contemplating full-body armor as a safety precaution. Kris grew up in northern California until she attended Brigham Young University, graduating in Therapeutic Recreation. Kris served a mission in the Kentucky Louisville Mission. She and her husband, James, have two boys, and live in Lehi, Utah. They own a flower shop, and Kris is the delivery driver—well, not really. She leaves the driving to professionals who don’t need a cane. Giving hope to others who struggle in life has been Kris’s motivation to write and speak; she has shared her story and laughed with audiences throughout the United States and Canada.

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